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8th Annual Records Management Conference

Organized By: KARMA
Lake Naivasha Resort
Tickets Starts at USD 850.00

04 Nov, 2024 - 08 Nov, 2024

09:00:00 - 16:30:00

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  • Category:  CONFERENCE
    Event type:   Physical
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About this event

KARMA 8Th Annual Records Management Conference 2024

THEME: From Digitization to Digital Transformation

4th – 8th November 2024

Digitalization in Africa has played a key role in accelerating the dissemination of information, increasing connectivity, and fostering economic growth while promoting sustainability.

The digital transformation strategy for Africa (2020-2030) envisions an integrated and inclusive digital society and economy in Africa that improves the quality of life of Africa’s citizens, strengthen the existing economic sector and enables its diversification and development.

Digital transformation could be a game-changer for the African continent. It is an opportunity to boost economic growth and industrialisation, alleviate poverty and improve people’s lives. The use of digital technology and services will contribute to the African Union Agenda 2063. With new technologies transforming the way Africans live and work, digital transformation will foster an inclusive and resilient African digital ecosystem.

Records, information and data management play a central role in enhancing effective digitalization and digital transformation. Historically, records digitization has tended to focus on access and /or preservation as the primary reasons for digitization.

However, with increasing digital ecosystems and digital transactions, records management is now being invited to shift from digitizing for access or preservation to focusing on driving digital transformation. The design and implementation of digital record keeping systems must now focus on transforming ways of work and enabling the digital ecosystems functions. 

Digitization must be done in the context of business processes to improve effect and efficiency. It must be about digital transformation of our ways of work, ways of business and ways of living.

That is why the 2024 records management conference by the Kenya Association of Records Managers and Archivists (KARMA) will be focusing on transitioning records management practice from digitization to digital transformation.

The conference will be held on 4-8 November 2024 in Naivasha Kenya. The sub-themes will include:

  • Developing organizational digital transformation strategies
  • Digital infrastructure and technology landscape
  • Digital skills and human capacity
  • Policy, legal and regulatory environment
  • Standards and standardisation
  • Digital culture and ecosystems
  • Digital entrepreneurship.

Now the biggest annual records management conference in Africa, KARMA invites you to join us in engaging professionals from Africa on the place of professional records management in catalyzing digital transformation.

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